Starting Point


There is a beginning to getting help and finding the answers we seek. During this meeting we identify and discuss short and long term goals and ways to help each other to find solutions to Move Forward Daily.

It's All About Feelings


Feelings influence decisions and thoughts. It is important to identify feelings and ways to go about how to maintain focus and calmness in daily situations. In this meeting we work together to support one another in finding ways to stay in charge of our emotions to achieve daily goals.

Making It Happen


Taking Action is a primary key to making needed changes, finding answers looked for, and maintaining balance. Ways to continue gaining insights and work toward ongoing self-understanding through taking consistent action are illustrated and discussed in this class.

Relationships, Relationships, Relationships


Communication is the foundation of any relationship. In this class, ways to work on and improve communication skills with others are discussed. Through mutual support and healthy communication, ways to continue developing healthy peer and family relationships are identified and outlined.

Attitude is Everything


Attitude affects behaviors, ideas, decisions, actions, and beliefs. Ways to keep an open mind and a positive attitude are discussed with emphasis on staying in the present. Ways to use positive feedback to help self and others in making ongoing constructive changes are identified and discussed.

Planning, Planning, Planning


If nothing changes then nothing changes, right? In this meeting the importance and value of support from others and having a solid plan to follow daily are outlined and discussed. Group members give each other feedback on ways to continue building and developing plans and positive change strategies. Emphasis is placed on responsibility for self.

Individual Meetings By Appointment


Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM          Saturday: As Scheduled

Sunday: Closed